Extra Vision 2020 and Beyond (ExVIBE) in collaboration with the Labour Administration and Inspection office of Songea which is an office under the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Youth Development conducted the students workshop on Career Identification and University Course Selection at Songea Club Multimedia Hall on 20th February 2010.
The Workshop was attended by more than 80 students from different Advanced level Secondary Schools of Songea Municipal. The schools include Songea Boys Secondary School, Songea Girls Secondary School, Ruhuwiko High School, Kigonsera High School and Beroya Secondary School. The workshop was officially opened by acting Regional Administrative Secretary (RAS) of Ruvuma Region. The acting RAS opening speech stressed important issues on employment policy of Tanzania. He said that “65 per cent of the total labour force in Tanzania is youth aged 18-35 thus being among the social group which contributes a lot in the development of this nation.
Speaking of the workshop itself the organizer and facilitator of that workshop Mr. Frederick Fussi said that “the goal of this workshop is to widen the students understanding on the employment industry nationally and internationally, however the purpose of the workshop is also targeting at improving awareness on Career Identification and University Course Selection”
The workshop outputs were expected to be Increased information on carrier identification, Increased awareness on the employment industry, Increased awareness on the university course selection, Increased youth empowerment on self employment.
In order to make this a reality the different renowned and experienced resource persons in Songea presented papers. Eng. Mrs. Mwapongo presented a paper on “self employment and entrepreneurship”. Eng. Kazimoto presented a paper on “Southern Development Opportunities”, Accountant Phinias Opanga presented a paper on “Human Resource Management”, a renowned journalist from TBC Mr.Gerson Msigwa presented a paper on “employment opportunities in Information and Communication Technology”. Other presenters include a labour officer Mr. Oddo Egino Hekela presented a paper on “employment industry” while Frederick Fussi presented papers on “self awareness and university course selection.” The workshop took the duration of one day.